The Advantage Of Organic Food

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

With more and more attention being given to the effect diet can have on our bodies, it is inevitable that the question should arise as to whether or not there is a particular advantage of organic food. Organic food enthusiasts will report – without hesitation – of their increased energy and overall health and vitality. As we explore the correlation between our diets and our longevity and health, it stands to reason that we must also explore the possible advantage of organic food.

The definition of organic food lies in the manner in which the food is grown and processed. Organic food is that food which is not exposed to chemicals of any kind during its growing, manufacturing, processing, or packaging. Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without the use of pesticides and are preservative-free on every level. Organic farming has emerged as one of the industries of the future as more and more people are demanding the most natural and nutritious choices for their families.

In the case of animal products, such as meat and dairy, animals are given only organic feed. Traditional agricultural farmers are in the practice of administering a myriad of chemicals to dairy cows in an effort to increase their size and milk output. Organic agricultural farmers – under stringent government guidelines – are forbidden from using such chemicals; chemicals, that should be noted, that have not been studied thoroughly enough to determine their long-term effects.

Another advantage of organic food is its positive impact on our environment as a whole. Traditionally grown fruits and vegetables are chemically treated while still in the ground, exposing the soil to a chemical cocktail that forever changes its properties – and possibly seeps into our water supply. Growing organically keeps soil in its natural state and protects the ground as well as our water.

The advantage of organic food lies in its ability to impact us on a global level; minimizing our exposure to chemically altered food and saving our planet from needless contact with unnatural contaminants.

The 12 Super Foods That Better Your Health

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under  Featured, Healthy Food Ideas

There are 12 foods that, if eaten on a regular basis, do wonders for your health. Do you know what they are?

If you’re reading this than you already have some knowledge of how important good nutrition is. I’m a big advocate of “you are what you eat.” Meaning, what you put in your body largely determines what you look like on the outside.

And if you make a serious effort to improve your eating habits, you will notice a positive change in how you look and feel. It’s not about perfection though. Thrive to make small changes to your diet over time and you’ll eventually be amazed at the will power you develop.

There are 12 foods that you should be eating on a regular basis. All have their own unique health benefits and if you mold your diet around the majority of these foods, you’ll notice an improvement in your health.

The list is as follows:

1. Almonds and other nuts- a great source of good fat.

2. Beans and legumes- a great source of fiber and protein.

3. Spinach and other green vegetables- a great source of phytonutrients and antioxidants.

4. Low-fat dairy- a great source of calcium and protein.

5. Oatmeal- a great source of fiber and protein.

6. Eggs- a great source of vitamin E and protein.

7. Turkey and other lean meats- a great source of protein.

8. Natural peanut butter- yes, this can be included under #1, but natural peanut butter makes eating nuts easier because you can spread it on wheat bread, bananas, celery, etc.

9. Olive oil- a great source of good fat.

10. Whole-grain breads and cereals- a great source of fiber.

11. Extra protein- a great source of protein!

12. Raspberries and other berries- a great source of antioxidants.

All 12 foods above have a high nutritional value and should be incorporated into your daily snacks and meals.

I personally bring the list with me food shopping and you might want to consider doing the same.

Storing Food – The Basics

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

In The Refrigerator

Foods stored in the refrigerator or freezer should be in excellently wrapped packaging such as cellophane and tin foil or in sealed containers such as zip lock bags and plastic bowls with lids and locking mechanisms. A pad lock is suggested to keep kids and spouses out of your favorite ice creams. The main point is that the food is sealed; nothing gets in nothing gets out.

Food sealed effectively preserves flavor and moisture also thwarting any attempts of other foods with dripping juices and stronger aromas seeping out and transferring into dishes they are not meant to be in. Not to mention making a refrigerator much fresher and easier to clean.

It is crucial to keep raw meats and poultry sealed as best as possible due to their tendency to drip and seep bacteria into foods not intended for cooking or even your leftovers. This can cause a common illness called “food poisoning”.

Perishable foods should be kept at a temperature of 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit to maximize freshness. These foods include but are not limited to all meats (beef, pork, poultry, fresh water fish and seafood), eggs, all dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.), most fruits, and most vegetables.

Why does cooling or refrigerating help preserve foods? Well the basic science is simple. Temperature is a measurement which tells us how fast molecules are moving. The refrigerator is a tool which slows the molecules in food thus decreasing the rate at which the food spoils. The warmer the food is the faster the rate of spoilage, which is why freezing our food is so advantageous. Freeze foods at temperatures lower than zero degrees Fahrenheit for longer storage periods.

Conversely, Cryopathy or the “destruction of tissue by freezing” is where the molecules in living matter such as meat slow down so much that they loose their molecular cohesiveness and break down. This is what occurs when something decays. Thus frost burn on meat or any food is actually frozen decay, icky, don’t eat it.

However, refrigerator companies still see no reason to integrate a thermometer, allowing us to tell what temperature our food is at. They instead use this dial with a number or a red and blue image indicating colder or hotter. The dial only controls the refrigeration of the food and does not tell us what temperature the refrigerator is at.

Consequently whether storing, preparing, or serving your food it is essential to keep it at the correct temperature. Get your self a nice freezer and refrigerator thermometer. Don’t be weird about the temperature of your food just keep on eye things. You’ll notice that because the refrigerator is controlled by a dial it refrigerates at that same rate no matter what how cold or hot it may really be inside of the refrigerator, thus in the winter you may need to turn your dial down in order to not freeze your milk.

Storing Fresh Fruits

Fruits that can be stored at room temperature while ripening include but are not limited to apricots, kiwi, mangoes, nectarines, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, and plums. Once they have ripened refrigerate and eat within 2-3 days for maximum freshness.

Apples stored in a refrigerator stay crisper longer however they can be stored at a cool room temperature. Other fruits that can be stored at a cool room temperature include bananas, dates, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and oranges. Apples can be kept at this temperature for a few days, citrus fruits up to a week, and dates for several weeks, any longer than that toss them in your refrigerator.

Fruits purchased while ripe include but are not limited to berries, cherries, figs, grapes, melons, pomegranates, and tangerines. These should be refrigerated and eaten in about 2 to 3 days. Pomegranates seem to last longer but don’t wait too long they can be expensive.

Storing Fresh Vegetables

Many vegetables can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Yet the ideal for many vegetables is in a dark cool ventilated room at a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit. These veggies include chayote, garlic, onion, potato and sweet potato, rutabaga and winter squash. These vegetables can be kept in this environment for about 2 months.

Remember that technically a tomato is a fruit not a vegetable, despite what it tastes like or what type of plant it grows on. Tomatoes should be ripened at room temperature then refrigerated.

Some vegetables spoil faster than others and should be refrigerated; peas and corn should be eaten as soon as possible while carrots and cabbage can be stored for longer. In most cases do not wash the vegetable until you are ready to serve and eat it, this prevents mold and rot. However, celery, curly endive, escarole, hearty greens, herbs, lettuce, spinach and watercress should be washed before storage.

Storing Canned and Dry Foods

Having a full pantry can be fun and reassuring. Yet keeping your canned and dry goods past their date of expiration or even past their freshness date can be bad when cooking for taste and nutrition. These foods should be kept in a cool dry cabinet no warmer than 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Indispensable items such as flour, salt, sugar, pasta, and grains should be sealed in humidity proof containers.

Further more moving these items to puncture and spill proof containers such as jars and plastic bins can greatly improve organization and make cleaning your cabinets much easier. Refined grains tend to last longer than whole-grain items do, so keep an eye on your whole-wheat flour and brown rice, perhaps in see through containers.

To add protein to your diet open all your bags and boxes of dry goods. Wait bug hovel saturation to peak then cook and serve, yummy! There is nothing like whole wheat pancakes and some sweet little bugs.

Dried spices and herbs keep their value to your cooking endeavors better in tightly sealed jars. Light is there enemy store your precious herbs in a dark place in a dark sealed jar, glass or ceramic if possible. Oils are the same way except make sure they are airtight and spill proof, a cooler place than the herbs and spices is more desirable for oils. Nut oils can be preserved longer if refrigerated.

Storing Fresh Herbs and Spices

Fresh is better than dried in my opinion and should be used whenever possible. Their scent and color can make all the difference in an ordinary dish that you have become board with. Many herbs can be grown at home in a pot on your window seal and have become easier to find at niche grocery stores and even supermarkets.

Fresh herbs are quicker to expel their flavor than dried herbs thus they should be chopped just before using and added to hot dishes towards the end of cooking. Some herbs you should not chop or cut, such as a bay leaf, these are so potent that it may be detrimental to your meal if you did chop it up, not to mention hard to chew and swallow. Many people even take herbs like this out of the soups so as not to have it accidentally eaten by a naïve friend.

When substituting fresh with dry herbs and spices or vice versa us the ratio of 1 teaspoon dried to 1 tablespoon fresh.

Though herbs are quick to impart their flavor spices are a different story. Spices typically need a longer amount of time to pass on their flavor and aroma. So follow the recipe directions and use your experience and knowledge to know when the directions are flawed or incomplete when adding the spices. Spices should be ground freshly just using a spice mill, nutmeg grater, or even a mortar and pestle. You will find an amazingly distinct difference in pre-ground and freshly ground spices.

Pregnancy – Foods And Other Things To Avoid

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

It is essential that you take care when preparing foods and avoid doing certain things when pregnant. This is due to your baby’s immune system not being sufficiently developed to fight any infection you may pass to it whilst within the womb. It is believed that a female’s immune system may not function at its peak during pregnancy so it is essential that all necessary precautions are taken


It is essential that if you have a pet that every time you come into contact with them you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.Pets can pass on harmful bacteria that may be present in their faeces. You may inadvertently become infected with this by touching your mouth or other part of the body and this may in turn infect your unborn child.

Cats are of particular importance due to toxoplasmosis found within their faeces. If you have a cat that uses a litter tray it is important that someone else carries out this task or if this is not possible then you should wear rubber gloves and a face mask to prevent any bacteria being passed. This also applies to gardening where faecal matter can be found in the soil. Again, wear gloves and wash your hands as soon as possible after finishing.

Toxoplasmosis is caused by a parasite. It can go unnoticed in a healthy adult or even an unborn baby. Once you have this infection you will not become re-infected and will be immune for life.


This is a bacteria which develops into an illness called listeriosis. The symptoms of this are mild flu, aches and pains, sore throat and high temperatures. In the more serious of cases this can cause septicaemia and meningitis in unborn babies. This is the worst case scenario. In some cases many people are not aware they have caught the bacteria as they do not show any of the above symptoms. During pregnancy, mothers have to be aware of certain foods where this bacteria may be prevalent.

This is true for after pregnancy aswell especially if you are nursing your child.
The symptoms usually develop from 2 to 30 days after eating contaminated food.

Foods to Avoid


Not all cheeses contain the bacteria but there are some which can be potentially harmful to a pregnant mother.
Avoid both pasteurised and unpasteurised soft cheeses which usually have a surface mould or rind such as Brie, Camembert and Danish Blue. Also avoid cheeses coated in wax such as Gouda, Post Salut. It is best to stay clear of the majority of blue cheeses such as Stilton, Gorgonzola and Roquefort. Hard Cheeses such as Cheddar, Parmesan, and Red Leicester fall into the safe category as do softer cheeses made from pasteurised milk such as Cottage cheese, mozzarella, ricotta, processed cheese and cheese spreads. If in doubt play safe and avoid eating it.


The salmonella bacteria are most commonly found in eggs. It is best to avoid any foods made with raw or partly cooked eggs such as homemade mayonnaise, meringues, cheesecakes, sorbets or mousses. Eggs are only safe if they have been cooked long enough so that their yolks are hard.Shop-bought mayonnaises are usually safe as long as they have been made with pasteurised eggs. Always check the label if in doubt.


Avoid all products which have not been pasteurised.
All pasteurised products are safe to use all through pregnancy and beyond.


Do not eat raw or under cooked meat or poultry. Also avoid meats which have been preserved in nitrates such as salami, frankfurters and luncheon meat. Always cook meat so the juices run clear and there is no ‘pinkness’ or blood within. When touching raw meat and poultry always wash your hands thoroughly before touching any other foods. Liver contains vitamin A in the form of retinol which if taken by a pregnant women can increase
her levels way above the recommended daily level and become damaging to the baby. Liver should be avoided aswell as products containing liver such as pate and liver sausage.


Oysters and any raw or uncooked fish should be avoided. Also shelled seafood such as crab, prawns, and langoustines should be avoided unless they have been thoroughly cooked and are hot. Most seafood bought from a fishmonger or supermarket should be safe. Fresh tuna should only be eaten once a month due to the potential levels of mercury found within. This is also true for swordfish and shark. Tinned tuna contains lower levels so this is safe to eat every week.


All pre pared shop bought salads are best to be avoided. So too are dressed salads such as coleslaw, potato salad and Florida salad. It is best to make your own and ensure that all leaves are thoroughly washed free from soils and other deposits found on the leaves.

Pain Management- Foods That Help Ease Pain

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Pain- something that no one wants to experience even once let alone daily and yet chronic pain is not uncommon. The Chronic Pain Association estimates that 50 million Americans endure chronic pain on a daily basis. Whether you suffer from Fibromyalgia Arthritis, or a Sports Injury, pain from the inflammatory response finds us and can make life miserable. Taking anti-inflammatory medications is the first defense against chronic or acute pain. Research shows if you want to add even more relief to your pain symptoms you can make some small changes to your diet.

Foods that have the greatest effect on the inflammatory process are fats. The predominant omega-6 fatty acids present in the American diet tend to promote inflammation while omega-3 fatty acids help to inhibit the inflammatory process. The omega 6 to omega-3 ratio in the Western diet is a high 16:1.8 leading some researchers to say the typical Western diet is a pro-inflammatory diet. No wonder we are in such pain! Even though omega-6 fatty acids are good for us and needed in the diet, we are eating far too many of them and not eating enough of the health-promoting omega-3’s. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in beef, pork, chicken, whole milk dairy products, egg yolks, vegetable and seed oils, and packaged convenience foods- all staples of the American diet. The pain reducing Omega-3 fatty acids are found in cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, halibut, and tuna), ground flax seeds, canola oil, and walnuts.

There is one more fatty acid to throw into the mix and that is omega-9. Not as much of an attention getting fatty acid but just as important to know about. These fatty acids are also involved in prohibiting the inflammation process bringing relief to its sufferers. Omega-9’s are found in olive oil, avocados, pecans, almonds, peanuts, cashews, sesame oil, pistachio nuts and macadamia nuts. All those nuts you thought were off limits, not anymore. Just make sure you only eat 10 – 12 nuts for a serving size so you don’t add to your waistline with these high calorie snacks.

Fruits and Vegetables- ah, here they are again. I wonder how long it will take us to realize they really are good for us. The antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables play a role in decreasing damage by free radicals which to you and I means it prevents the initiation of the inflammatory response nipping it in the bud. What’s the recommendation? The same as it’s always been, 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. It’s not as tough as it seems. A serving size of fruit is the size of a tangerine or half of a banana while the serving size for vegetables is ½ cup cooked and 1 cup raw. Add some berries to your cereal, some vegetable soup with lunch or sneak veggies into your scrambled eggs, add them wherever you can.

Although this doesn’t count as a legitimate study, my mother, a long time arthritis sufferer decided to put some of these ideas into practice. She decided to take 2 tbsp. of ground flax seeds per day which she added to her oatmeal in the morning. She also added almonds regularly. That was it. No other changes and she found her arthritis pain markedly decreased. It goes to show that small nutrition changes can make a big impact on your health.

Now that you know the information, let’s get practical. Here are 8 small diet changes you can make starting this week to decrease inflammation.

1. Replace chicken, pork or ground beef with salmon, mackerel, or halibut 2 times each week.
2. Use canola or olive oil in place of other vegetable oils for salad dressings and cooking.
3. Add walnuts, almonds, or pecans to salads.
4. Snack on an ounce of cashews or macadamia nuts with a piece of fruit.
5. Use sliced avocado in your sandwich in place of the cheese.
6. Use omega-3 fortified eggs (can find at all local grocery stores: look for the sentence: fed with DHA and EHA).
7. Add 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds to your oatmeal or yogurt.
8. Add a side salad each night with dinner (filling up with veggies during your meals will also help with weight management).

Using medications alone to manage your pain is difficult because most drugs eventually lose their effectiveness and can cause side effects. Take some small steps to add these dietary practices so you can have a more complete support system to alleviate pain.

© 2005, Meri Raffetto

Organic Food Coupons: Why You Should Use Them and How to Find Them

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Are you interested in eating organic foods? If you are, it is a great way to improve your health, but it isn’t always so great for your wallet. It is no secret that organic foods cost more money. Although the cost is more than worth it, you may be interested in saving money whenever possible. One way that you can do so is with the use of organic food coupons.

As nice as it is to hear that organic food coupons can help you save money, you may be curious as to why you should use them. For starters, organic food coupons are just like regular coupons, but they are for organic foods. Depending on what you find, you may be able to buy one product and get another free or you may receive up to a dollar off a particular item. Organic food coupons can save you a considerable amount of money, especially if you are able to find a great sale. Also, many coupons are free or cheap to acquire.

If you are looking for free organic food coupons, turn to the internet. There are a number of options that you have when doing so. For starters, you can find the online websites for the makers of organic food. You can do this with a standard internet search. To help get you started, Amy’s Kitchen and Cascadian Farms make and sell organic food. Some manufacturers offer coupons on their websites. These coupons may be printable or you may be able to fill out a form and have the coupons mailed to you.

Organic food coupons can also be found by examining online coupon websites. These websites can also easily be found with a standard internet search. You will want to find websites that give you access to free coupons. Although you will find a large selection of coupons, you may also find some for organic foods. This is because more individuals are becoming concerned with their health, thus eating organic foods.

Grocery stores are another way to find free organic food coupons. There are many grocery stores that place coupon dispensers next to products in their stores. Some grocery stores have as many as five coupon dispensers in each aisle. Although it will be hit or miss to see if you can find coupons for organic foods, you may. Due to the increase in organic food consumption, many supermarkets are expanding their organic food sections. Many choose to draw attention to their expansions by offering great deals on organic foods, which come in the formats of sales or coupons.

When using newspapers, as with online coupon websites, you will find a large selection of coupons. As previously stated, however, organic food consumption is increasing in popularity, as more individuals are becoming concerned with their health and exactly what it is they are putting into their bodies. For that reason, more newspapers and manufacturers are making the decision to work together to provide better and more affordable access to organic foods. Although not free, most newspapers can be purchased for around a dollar.

In addition to using organic food coupons to help you save money, you can also search for sales or discounts. Many supermarkets send out weekly fliers advertising their sales. Look for any great deals on organic foods. Also, be sure to examine stores that specialize in the selling of organic foods and other organic products. These stores also typically offer great sales, but you already know that the sales in question will be for organic foods.

As highlighted above, there are a number of ways that you can go about finding organic food coupons. It may take a little bit of hard work and research to find these coupons, but the money that you may be able to save, especially overtime, can significantly add up. As a reminder, don’t discount traditional store sales on organic foods, as they are also a great way to eat organically, but on a budget.

Organic Food Benefits: Why You Should Eat Organic

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

There is a good chance that you have seen an organic food aisle at one of your local grocery stores. In fact, you may have even driven past a farmers market where organic food was sold. Unfortunately, if you are like many other Americans, there is a good chance that you kept right on walking or driving by. This is because many individuals do not eat organic foods.

Despite the fact that organic foods are not consumed by nearly all Americans, they still come highly rated and recommended. In fact, many health conscious individuals swear by them. Many claim that eating organic foods helps to promote lifelong health and happiness. Organic food consumption has increased in popularity over the years and that increase continues to rise at a relatively steady pace. If you are interested in eating organic foods, but if you have never done so before, you may be wondering what the benefits are. If so, please continue reading on.

When it comes to organic foods and their benefits, you will find an unlimited number of benefits. For starters, did you know that organic foods can help the environment? They can and this is a point that many do not take into consideration at first. Farmers who put pesticides in their fields and on their foods, are not only putting consumers at risk, but the environment at risk as well. Depending on which pesticides and other chemicals are used, the soil and other nearby areas can suffer damage. By eating organic foods, you are providing a small, yet still helping hand to help protect the environment.

Another unique benefit to eating organic that many individuals do not think of right away is the assistance that is provided to organic farmers and organic food manufacturers. Right now, the number of organic food manufacturers is quite small and many are small to medium sized businesses. The same can be said for farmers. The decision for many farmers and companies to go organic can be difficult and risky. Therefore, by purchasing organic foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, you can take comfort in knowing that you are helping many small to medium sized farmers and organic food companies stay in business.

Organic foods can also help to improve your body and health. In fact, organic foods may be able to help cleanse or detoxify your body from harmful chemicals. When you stop eating foods that are tainted with pesticides and other chemicals, your body will expel the current and remaining toxins from your body. This means that your body should be clean, chemical free, and pesticide free after a specific period of time. Of course, remember that you want to stay healthy. For that reason, if you decide to start eating organic foods, try to stay doing so. If you are a parent, one of the best ways to help ensure that your child has a happy and healthy life is to get them started on eating organic foods as early as possible.

Another one of the many benefits to eating organic foods is the better quality. In fact, many individuals claim that organic food tastes much better. One reason why farmers claim to use potentially harmful pesticides and chemicals is to kill bacteria. While this does sound like a good idea, the bacteria that can be present when fruits and vegetables grow isn’t necessarily bad. In fact, some say that it helps to foods grow in a certain way. This, apparently, in turn helps to produce better results, which should better tasting, more natural food.

As you can see, there a number of benefits to eating organic foods. In fact, the above mentioned benefits are just a few of the many reasons why organic food should be given a close examination. If you would like more information on organic foods, including the benefits of eating them, consider speaking with a professional healthcare provider, like your doctor. He or she can help you decide if switching to organic foods is the right decision.

Organic Baby Food: A Buying Guide

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

As you may already know, there are a number of benefits to eating organic foods. To reap the most benefits, organic food should be consumed for as long as possible. What does this mean for parents? It means that organic food consumption should start with baby food.

If you just recently made the decision to integrate organic foods into your family meals, you may be looking for more information on organic foods for babies. If so, you will want to continue reading on. A few tips to help you get started with feeding your baby organic foods are highlighted below.

As previously stated, there are a number of benefits to eating organic foods. These benefits include pesticide and chemical free foods. These types of foods are important for babies and other small children. In fact, there are now some professional healthcare providers who recommend to their patients that they feed their babies organic baby foods. Although there are no scientific studies which prove this, most think that eliminating potentially harmful chemicals and pesticides can help to promote healthy growth and good behavior in small children.

When it comes to buying organic baby food, you will find that you can shop both locally and online. Regardless of where you shop, it is important to look for certified organic foods. These foods often have a specific label, which should be the same for all organic foods, no matter what the brand. The United States does not allow a manufacturer to claim that their products are completely organic, unless they truly are. That is why you should look for certificate organic labels before making an organic baby food purchase.

As previously stated, organic baby food can be purchased both locally and online. For many parents, they prefer to shop locally, as it is convenient to do. Many supermarkets carry a small selection of organic baby foods. This means that parents can buy food for their babies while doing the rest of their shopping. This is very convenient for many parents. With that being said, you are often only presented with a limited selection of organic baby foods. This can be difficult when looking to “spice,” up the foods that your child eats. Also, examine stores that specialize in the selling of natural, organic foods.

As for shopping online for organic baby food, it can also be convenient to do so. As organic foods steadily increase in popularity, there are a number of online stores that sell organic foods, including organic baby food. These websites can be found with a standard internet search. To help get you started, Earth’s Best Organic, Diamond Organics, and Sweatpea Baby Foods all sell organic baby food. Additional online stores and product manufacturers can be found with a standard internet search. When looking to shop online, you may find it easier to search for the best prices. As an important note, a credit or debit card that can be proceed as a credit card is often needed to shop online

When looking to purchase organic baby foods, especially online, look for foods that are convenient. For example, there is a company that is known as Baby Cubes. They sell cubes of frozen vegetables and fruits that are certified organic. This is ideal if you must do your shopping online. The ability to freeze organic baby foods and in safe containers can reduce the number of online orders that you have to make on a weekly or biweekly basis.

In addition to buying organic baby food, many parents wonder about making their own. There are a number of books and online websites that highlight ways that baby food can easily be made at home. When following these recipes, just be sure to use organic fruits and vegetables. As a reminder many supermarkets, specialty stores, and some farmer’s markets sell organic fruits and vegetables. When using organic foods this way, you are essentially providing your baby with homemade organic baby food, which many claim is the best type of food to feed babies.

Organically Grown Health Food

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Contrary to popular belief, granola is not the only organically grown health food that people have access to. There are many farmers that are committed to growing organic food for families all over the world to enjoy and people do not have to search for these items any longer in a grocery store. These items are available through many organic growers who have set up their shops on the internet and are quite willing to ship organically grown food stuffs to anywhere you like.

Some of the most recognized forms of organically grown health foods are nuts, vegetables and dates and olives. The selections that shoppers have for organically grown health foods is much large today than ever before. The nutritional content in organically grown health foods is being studied very carefully and people might be surprised to find that they are experiencing greater health benefits because they have changed their mode of eating to include organically grown foods in their diets.

Many of the health foods today that are organically grown can be used to create healthy snacks for friends and family. There are organically grown health foods like flour and grains that can turn out some amazing muffins using your favorite recipes. The pantry at home might take on a whole new look with organically grown health foods on the shelf but taste wise, be rest assured that rave reviews will be provided.

The organically grown health food choices can extend to family members that might not even notice. There are many choice pet foods that are created using organically grown food by-products and the nutritional value is outstanding. Pets will flourish under a new diet that is even supplemented with organic pet food selections.

Many homemakers in kitchens throughout the world are transforming the way cooking is accomplished. Some organic foods cook faster and save cooks a lot of time that could be spent enjoying family activities. There are organic health food choices in seasonings too that will certainly improve the way that all food tastes when it is served to the family at dinnertime.

There are health food choices that are routinely used to wake up in the morning. Organic health food choices such as coffee and tea are full of nutritious values and will still give people the caffeine they need to get one eye open faster than the other on a busy morning. Sweeteners are other health food items that families use for all sorts of enjoyments and pre-packaged drink mixes will become a thing of the past.

Organic vs. Processed Foods

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Organic foods are more popular than ever these days. But what do you know about them?

Organic foods and processed foods are two of the types of fruits, vegetables, and meats that can be found in grocery stores these days. In relation to this, there are several labels that are used in order to determine how much processing food has gone through. One of the steps in determining how nutritious your lifestyle is knowing whether there is a difference in organic or processed foods. Knowing what is contained in each and the effects that they have on your body can help you decide which foods to eat.

The first thing to understand is the definition of the word organic. When food is organic, it means that no preservatives, added chemicals or other types of fertilizers and/or pesticides have been added to the food. With meat, the animals can not have been given any antibiotics or growth hormones. Usually, organic foods must be approved by the USDA in order to be defined as such.

Next are the definitions of “natural” and “processed.” These types of foods can have preservatives, chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides added to them. The meat can have antibiotics and growth hormones in it. Depending on the label of the food, there will be different levels of these additives. There are several reasons why this is done to the food. The first is to prevent extra bacteria from growing on or in the food. The second is that more food can be produced for the consumer. If the food is being transported into a different area, these chemicals allow the food to last longer. Another method that is used is biotechnology and irradiation. These are becoming a standard procedure in killing pathogens while keeping foods fresher than they would have been otherwise.

Another type of food that is often seen is organic that has had certain things done in order alter its content. Low-fat, whole-wheat, gluten-free and reduced-sodium are some of the popular labels that can be seen on processed foods. These foods may be organic, but have been processed in order to provide a different nutritional balance for your diet.

Organic food, however, still has to meet certain criteria in order to be ready to buy. For instance, if the milk is not pasteurized, it may contain bacteria that are not healthy for the consumer and can cause problems. There are also some food producers that do not follow the USDA guidelines for organic food. The products may have pathogens even though they may be available in the grocery store.

There are several different types of foods, all which have been processed to varying levels. Grocery stores offer these different levels of organic and processed foods to consumers. Before going into a grocery store, know which type of food will be better for you to consume. This will help you figure out what balance of nutrition and food works best for you.

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