Organic Health Food Store And Your Health

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

No matter where you go or what you’re doing these days, you are sure to be bombarded on all sides by slogans, advertising campaigns and health conscious people about your own health and how to look after it properly. This extends to every aspect of your life, including what you eat and where you can get it. This is where the organic health food store comes into your otherwise peaceful existence.

You are forced to leave your normal easy lifestyle to adopt one which most definitely better suited for you, but which is also too much hassle in this and age of convenience foods.

The world might be changing its outlook on these things and finding them lacking in anything resembling nutrition, but they are the staple of you life and you have gotten used to them to such an extent that weaning you off these foods is somewhat along the lines of weaning someone off smoking twenty packs of cigarettes a day.

You have to be dragged down kicking and screaming to the nearest organic health food store by those people who profess to love and care for you, when in reality if they cared even one iota for you, they would leave you alone in your singular little rut of eating overcooked TV dinners, greasy fat-filled hamburgers and fries, and sugar laden drinks and desserts. That’s of course assuming they care about you.

But since your family and friends are heartless monsters who enjoy seeing you suffer being in the best of health, you unfortunately have no choice but to go along with their whims and fancies of the moment. And in this case, the moment seems to be stretching out into an eternity of having to eat healthy organically grown and produced foods and this in turn necessitates your having to go on a frequent basis down to your local (or nearest) organic health food store.

Of course if you really tried hard you might be able to get back to your unhealthy lifestyle of one pot of coffee in the morning and another two or three pots as the day progresses. Unfortunately though fate does not seem to be on your side and you find that even when you try to break free of the imposed health food diet, you can’t.

Why? Because now you’re used to it and all the grease in those greasy hamburgers is enough to turn you green – literally. This is unfortunately your lot in life now and you find yourself frequenting the organic health food store more and more often as your taste buds decide to rejoin the living, and your palate finds enjoyment once again in your meals.

Olive Oil, An Ancient Gift For Health.

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Scientists are always looking to plants to find medicinal and therapeutic secrets. Discoveries of natural compounds within the olive tree and olives, provide promising health and medical benefits. Organic olive oil has significant health related properties that have spanned centuries and cultures in the Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean olive dates back 6000 years and was native to Iran, Syria and Palestine (Asia Minor). From there it spread to the Mediterranean basin. It is one of the earliest known cultivated trees. According to the Bible, an olive leaf was that which a dove brought back to Noah, as an indication the great flood waters were abating.

The olive tree thrives best in a sunny position and climate. A rocky subsoil suits it well. The trunk is knotty, hard, and gnarled, the bark smooth and ash colored. Olive wood is valuable for its durability and is crafted into many items such as gourmet cooking utensils. The olive tree experiences slow growth, but it lives very long. It is reported that the olive trees on Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, are over 2000 years old. It is commonly believed the Bible passage of “the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine,” refers to the olive tree. Olive leaves are silver grey-green, and possesses the health qualities of “olive leaf extract” which is pressed from them. Extracted from olive leaves is a bitter substance named oleuropein. In the 1960’s researchers reported that oleuropein lowered blood pressure in animals, this caused immediate medicinal interest in the olive leaf. There are new studies that indicate olive leaf extract may be a natural preventative against the common cold and flu.

The olive is believed to be a source of wealth for the Minoan Kingdom. Egyptians tombs dating back as far as 2000 BC have been proved to contain olives. The Greeks spread the usage of olives to the Romans who, in turn, spread it across their vast empire. The use of olive oil has been advocated by many religions and cultures. The early Greek Kings were anointed with olive oil. It was also used to anoint winning Olympic athletes. Across many cultures, olive oil is recognized for healthy benefits for both the inner and outward body.

Some research indicates extra-virgin olive oil is the most digestible of the edible fats. Olive oil also it helps to assimilate vitamins A, D and K in the human body. Benefits of consuming olive oil include slowing down the aging process and helps liver, bile, and intestinal functions. Olive oil is valued for its culinary attributes and organoleptic virtues, these being: flavor, bouquet or aroma, and color. Various grades of olive oil are derived from the time of pressing. Earlier pressings are regarded as better quality. Cold pressed olive oil is a pressing process requiring no heat or chemicals, which destroy vital nutrients. This olive oil is generally the best to use for cooking and healthy cuisine.

Olive oil has been extensively used in cooking and forms an integral part of the basic Mediterranean diet. It is a healthier substitute to butter. Strong and pungent flavored olive oils are great for frying fish or other items having a strong flavor. Extra virgin olive oil goes well with salads. A late harvest mission variety olive oil, which is mellow, can be used for baking cakes. Gourmet olive oil is a healthier and tastier substitute to other fatty cooking oils. The health benefits of cold pressed olive oil already have federal agency approval. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized marketing ads that say organic olive oil helps reduce the risk of coronary disease and disorders.

Given below is a simple recipe for olive oil bread dipping sauce.

Bread Dipping Sauce

Servings : 2 – 4
Preparation time : 10 minutes


½ cup virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, minced (Italian parsley is best)
1 tablespoon fresh basil, minced
½ teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced
1 tablespoon fresh garlic, minced
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon black pepper
¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes, crushed well
1/8 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
Salt, to taste


Heat the olive oil in a pan. Add the garlic and sauté till it changes color. Add all the other ingredients and cook for about 2 – 3 minutes. Remove from the heat. Serve as a bread dip.

Nutrition: The Super Foods That Keep You Healthy

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Get ready to experience a volume of information of the healthiest foods in the world. Here is a list of the top ten super foods that most health experts agree on. You should tell everyone you know about these foods and enjoy them at your next meal. From fruits and vegetables, to whole grains, nuts, beans and legumes, this power-packed nutritional inventory will take you into the best years of your life and beyond.


1. Cantaloupe

Only a quarter of cantaloupe provides almost all the vitamin A needed in one day. Since the beta-carotene in a cantaloupe converts to vitamin A, you get both nutrients at once. These vision-strengthening nutrients may help reduce the risk of developing cataracts. Like an orange, cantaloupe is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps our immune system. It is also is a good source of vitamin B6, dietary fiber, folate, niacin, and potassium, which helps maintain good blood sugar levels and metabolism. This pale orange power fruit may help reduce our risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

2. Blueberries

These mildly sweet (and sometimes tangy) berries offer a high capacity to destroy free radicals that can cause cancer. Low in calories, they offer antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, which enhance the effects of vitamin C. These antioxidants may help prevent cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease and cancer.


3: Tomatoes

Tomatoes help us fight against heart disease and cancers such as colorectal, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and cancer of the pancreas. Tomatoes are also good sources of vitamin C, A, and K. In a 2004 study, it was found that tomato juice alone can help reduce blood clotting.

Fresh, organic tomatoes deliver three times as much of the cancer-fighting carotenoid lycopene. Even organic ketchup is better for you than regular ketchup! Look for tomato pastes and sauces that contain the whole tomato (including peels) because you will absorb 75% more lycopene and almost two times the amount of beta-carotene.

4: Sweet Potatoes

As an excellent source of vitamin A, C, and manganese, sweet potatoes are also a good source of copper, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium and iron. Those who are smokers or prone to second- hand smoke may benefit greatly from this root vegetable that helps protect us against emphysema.

For a unique dessert, cube a cooked sweet potato and slice a banana. Then lightly pour maple syrup over the top and add a dash or two of cinnamon. Add chopped walnuts for an even healthier kick.

5: Spinach and Kale

A cancer-fighter and cardio-helper, spinach and kale top the list as far as green leafy vegetables are concerned. Much like broccoli, they provide an excellent source of vitamin A and C. Kale is a surprisingly good source of calcium at 25% per cup, boiled. Vitamin K is abundantly found in spinach as well, with almost 200% of the Daily Value available, to help reduce bone loss.

Whole Grains

6: Whole Grain Bread, Pasta and Brown Rice

Whether it’s bread or pasta, the first thing to check for when purchasing whole grain bread and pasta is to make sure it is 100% whole grain. Remember to check the list of ingredients on the package. For example, look for the exact phrase “whole wheat flour” as one of the first ingredients listed in whole wheat bread. If it’s not listed as such, then it’s not whole grain. Wheat bran is a cancer-fighting grain that also helps us regulate our bowel movements.

Brown rice is also a better choice than refined grain (white rice) for the same reason as choosing whole wheat bread. Whole wheat flour or brown rice that turns into white flour or white rice actually destroys between 50-90% of vitamin B3, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese, phosphorus, iron, and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids we need. Even when processed white flour or white rice is “enriched,” it is not in the same form as the original unprocessed kind. In fact, 11 nutrients are actually lost and are not replaced during the “enrichment” process!


7: Walnuts

These nuts are packed with omega-3 fats, which is one of the “good” fats. A quarter cup of walnuts would take care of about 90% of the omega-3s needed in one day. Walnuts provide many health benefits including cardiovascular protection, better cognitive function, anti-inflammatory advantages relating to asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. They can even help against cancer and also support the immune system.

Beans and Legumes

8: Black Beans and Lentils

While black beans are a good source of fiber that can lower cholesterol, so are lentils. The high fiber content in both black beans and lentils helps to maintain blood sugar levels. Also a fat-free, high quality protein with additional minerals and B-vitamins, black beans and lentils fill you up and don’t expand your waistline.

A complete, one-stop source of using a variety of beans and lentils comes easy when you can find a bag of 15-bean mix (includes black beans, lentils, navy, pinto, red, kidney, etc.) at the grocery store. Consider making a delicious soup with the addition of tomatoes, onions, garlic and your favorite spices with this bean mixture.


9: Skim Milk and Yogurt

Skim milk (or low-fat) helps to promote strong bones, offering an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K. These nutrients help protect colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals, bone loss, migraine headaches, premenstrual symptoms, and childhood obesity. Recent studies also show that overweight adults lose weight, especially around the midsection, when consuming low-fat dairy such as skim milk and yogurt.

Yogurt also includes the essential nutrients such as phosphorous and vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, and protein. Yogurt’s live bacterial cultures also provide a wealth of health benefits that may help us live longer and strengthen our immune system.


10: Salmon

Salmon is high in protein, low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fats (the essential fatty acids that are also found in those walnuts mentioned earlier). Salmon is a heart-healthy food and is recommended to eat at least twice a week. When choosing salmon, it’s best to stay away from farm raised and select wild instead. Research studies show that farmed salmon may cause cancer because it may carry high levels of carcinogenic chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).


Green Tea and “Power” Water

Although not food per say, the health benefits of these beverages are worthy of mentioning.

Green tea has beneficial phytonutrients and lower levels of caffeine than all other teas. The more research studying green tea, the more health benefits are found. A cancer fighter as well, green tea has antioxidant effects that lower risks of bacterial or viral infections to cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, periodontal disease, and osteoporosis.

Water packed with vitamins and/or naturally sweetened fruit are also the newest trend. Some offer a full day’s supply of vitamin C while others promise no artificial sweeteners with a full, fruity taste.

As you can see, the top ten super foods are worth every bite (or sip). Now that you know which foods can help save your life, what’s more important than investing in your health?

Nine Wrinkle Fighting Foods

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

A proper diet can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you don’t want to have creases on your face or your skin, you should know what wrinkle fighting foods are good to eat. Here are nine examples.

1. Spinach and other green leafy vegetables are good because it contains lutein that helps give the skin its essential antioxidant mechanism by maintaining skin hydration and elasticity. Ideally, you should eat about 10mg of this daily which is about 4oz of this vegetable.

2. Beans are another because they are rich in antioxidants. Among the different kinds, red beans are the best because it contains the highest number of antioxidants that helps replace deteriorated collagen of the skin.

3. Tomatoes are another because just like beans they have antioxidants and also lycopene. A substance that reduces the risk of developing cancer and happens to be more powerful than Vitamin E supplements which are used to help the skin stay healthy. The best part about eating tomatoes is that you can eat this together with pasta, salad or a sandwich.

4. Aside from vegetables, turkey helps prevent wrinkles because it is rich in Vitamin B. It also has protein that slows the process in the skin known as cross-linking. So don’t wait until Thanksgiving to add this to your diet.

5. Goji berries are rich in Vitamin C that will help fight free radicals that damage the skin. Believe it or not, they contain 500 times more Vitamin C per ounce than what you get from oranges. It also has antioxidants such as vitamin B1, B2, B6 and E as well as linoleic acid, an essential fat that plumps up the skin making it look smoother and younger.

6. Flaxseed is rich in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. You can mix this with other dishes like cookies and bread. The more you eat, the plumper your skin cells will be thus hiding away those wrinkles.

7. Beetroot is another vegetable that can help prevent wrinkles as it is low in calories and high in fiber. It also contains antioxidants and a pigment called anthocyanins that are known to support collagen production in the skin. You can cook this in a variety of ways such as curried, boiled, roasted and pickled.

8. Many of us see chocolates simply as a delightful snack or as a dessert. But few of us know that this contains polyphenol, a substance that rids the body of the active oxygen that causes aging. Not only that, it can also protect against UV damage which is also one of the causes of skin aging.

9. Salmon just like flaxseed contains Omega 3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation and helps lubricate the skin.

There are other things we can eat aside from the 9 examples mentioned to prevent wrinkles from happening. You should consult with your doctor or do some research on your own so you will know how to plan your diet.

Aside from eating, you shouldn’t forget to exercise regularly and drink lots of water so your skin remains flexible and hydrated at all times. You shouldn’t drink or smoke as this also helps the skin stay young and wrinkle free.

There are wrinkle fighting foods around. Know what they are and then get these items from the grocery store.

New Guide Helps Shoppers Choose Low-Carb Foods

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Want to learn how to avoid products full of added sugar and other nutrient-deficient refined carbohydrates (as well as harmful trans fats) while grocery shopping?

Countless people worldwide are following the Atkins Nutritional Approach. Now, a new book called “The Atkins Shopping Guide” (Avon Books/ an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers) arms you with the skills you need to navigate your grocery store so you can stock your low-carb kitchen.

The guide contains everything you must know to choose the right foods to do Atkins correctly. It also provides useful pointers for shopping at “super stores” and natural food retailers, all in a handy format perfect to carry in your pocket or purse.

Forget measuring, weighing and counting fat grams and calories. This book takes you aisle-by-aisle through the grocery store, helping you select the right foods to correctly follow a controlled-carb lifestyle, including vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry and meat, cheese, and other dairy products. There are also extensive sections on packaged foods.

The No. 1 New York Times bestseller, “Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution,” forever changed the way Americans eat by offering a healthy, nutritious approach to weight loss and weight maintenance, while revealing that the typical American diet, which is high in carbohydrates, has contributed to the nation’s obesity epidemic.

Whether you’re just beginning to do Atkins or have used it for years to maintain your weight, “The Atkins Shopping Guide” will show you how to read food labels and compare different products in a product category such as tomato sauce or peanut butter.

Atkins also offers a free newsletter with product updates, low carb diet tips and recipes.

More Than Just Tips On Cooking Healthy Food

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Cooking healthier food doesn’t mean that you should intake only odorless and tasteless food. Today with the availability of numerous cook books and recipes on healthy living, anybody can prepare a tastier and healthier food in the comfort of their home. The choice of right kind of food ingredients is very crucial while preparing a healthy food. You can give a slight modification to your favorite recipe by including certain nutritious and healthier ingredients and alter here and there without compromising on taste and health. Just ensure that you reduce the calorific value and remove the fat content.

Cooking is not required from the basics. You can go to some restaurants and get a ready made recipe of your choice and add some healthy pinches here and there and transform them into a partial home made recipe which is healthier than before. Healthy cooking does not mean that the ingredients should always contain raw vegetables. It is essential that the food items consists of vitamins, anti oxidants and minerals required for a balanced diet no matter how they are cooked. So just chopping and topping doesn’t mean healthy food but nutrition rich food is only healthy food. So lower your fat content and cut down on fat content. This would definitely prevent you from major ailments erupting in future. Use non stick cook ware to reduce the oil content. Include lots of fruits and vegetables to ensure that you have enough fiber content included in your diet for proper bowel movements and clean digestive system.

Boiling, frying or soaking your vegetables in water for too long will definitely eliminate the important vitamins and minerals. Vegetables contains vitamins which are soluble in water. Some vegetables such as carrots, radish, lady’s finger etc can be consumed raw. They aid to maintain proper health and teeth. It is essential to put yourself in practice. Experiment with the help of various books available in the market. See to it that you don’t compromise on your health looking after your taste buds. Healthy foods can be made tasty. It is the way you master your culinary method. Cook steamed rice or boiled noodles rather than fried rice.

There is no need of any study required to prepare a healthy diet but it requires some common sense, patience and experiments to preserve what is required for being healthy and take out the unnecessary unhealthy ingredients.

Making The Right Fast Food Choices

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Every now and then, even with the best of intentions, we find ourselves looking to a fast food restaurant for lunch or dinner. Maybe a lack of time or a lack of planning is to blame for forcing this upon us. Maybe something came up beyond our control that is making us resort to this as a last minute meal decision. Whatever the reason, you will be ordering your next meal by talking into a plastic clown from your car window.

The problem with this is, you know that fast food is notorious for very high fat content and very high calorie count while at the same time being very low in nutrition. Well, as luck would have it, there are actually some things that you can order from a few of the popular fast food places that are somewhat on the healthier side. The main thing is to stay away from the fat laden side orders like the fries and shakes, and go with the broiled and grilled items. Here are some examples of the better fast food choices:

At burger king, go with the BK broiler chicken sandwich or the broiled chicken salad. Also not too bad is the whopper, but it is imperative to order it dry and without cheese and add your own ketchup. All the sauces on the whopper are where most of the extra fat and calories come from.

At KFC, stay with the tender roast chicken and go with the skinless white meat. Fried chicken from anywhere should be avoided like the plague.

At McDonalds, the grilled chicken deluxe and the grilled chicken salad are the best choices. Since just about everything else here is fried or deep fried, these are really your only good choices.

At subway you have a few good choices like the turkey breast sub and the sweet onion teriyaki chicken sub. Most anything from their “low fat” menu is good, but don’t add cheese or fattening condiments like mayo and stick with the 6 inch ones.

At taco bell, the grilled chicken burrito and the grilled chicken soft taco are good choices. Any of their items made with grilled chicken are ok, just watch out for any added fattening sauces or fried items that might be used in the item.

At Wendy’s, the grilled chicken sandwich and the grilled chicken salad are two very good choices. Here you can also get a baked potato on the side but watch what you fill it with.

As a rule of thumb, always avoid anything fried like French fries or onion rings as these items can add as much as 450 extra calories to your meal which is usually as much as or more than what their signature burgers pack. Items like the milk shakes also come with nearly as many calories as the signature burgers so be careful not to order them as well. Always order your food without the dressings, sauces, mayo or cheese. These only add unwanted fat calories to your item. You can always ask for fat-free dressings and condiments like ketchup and add them yourself when you get your food.

All fast food is not completely off limits, even if you are making an effort to watch what you eat. Just make eating fast food an occasional thing and be aware of what you order when eating there. When in doubt, always go with broiled or grilled chicken items, and avoid most of the sides unless you know they are good choices like salads or baked potato’s.

Make Grilling A Healthy Experience

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

Without a doubt there is something very relaxing and pleasurable about cooking and eating grilled food. There are countless ways you can turn your grilling not only into a flavorful and enjoyable way to cook, but there are also many healthy and tasty alternatives. Like anything else in life, what you put on your grill is a choice. Grilling healthy first means that you have decided to eat healthy. Cooking on a grill can be a great way to reduce fats on while adding wonderful flavor however we must also be careful when grilling as there can be certain risks if precautions are not taken. Eating healthy always begins with choosing healthy foods that are low in fat and using marinates to reduce unhealthy caseinogens.

We know that charcoal grilling can produce carcinogenic smoke from the high temperature cooking of foods containing fat and protein. This can produce unhealthy chemical changes in the outer layers of flesh foods. To avoid these dangerous chemical formations we must avoid inhaling the smoke and avoid the black char on the outside of charcoal cooked food caused by high heat and/or overcooking. It is also advised that any lighter fluid or self-lighting packages be avoided as they can also add toxic chemicals directly into your food. Instead, use a starter chimney and newspaper to get your charcoal lit. While this method may initially take a few more minutes, in the long run it’s faster and healthier. The use of marinades can also help greatly lower caseinogens in food. By using a marinade your food will not only take on extra flavor but even a simple marinade consisting of olive oil and a citrus juice can reduce the harmful chemicals by as much as 99%. A marinade will also assist in tenderizing and enhancing your food’s natural flavors.

There has been a lot of talk about grilling and the risk of cancer. While the risk is real and this should be kept in mind, there are some simple things you can do to greatly reduce the risk of cancer caused by grilling. The harmful chemicals that can form are created by putting food, primarily meats, under intense heat and flame. These are cancer forming agents however by taking a few simple precautions you can greatly reduce and even eliminate the risks. Grilling isn’t the only cooking method that causes these agents so there is no reason to give up on your grill. If done right, grilling is one of the healthiest methods of cooking.

To reduce the risks follow these basic tips:
• Trim excess fats from all foods. The fats are the main contributors to harmful chemicals so avoid fatty foods as much as possible.
• Using marinades based on olive oils and citrus juices with greatly help reduce the risks.
• Maintain a clean grill. This will also help reduce harmful cancer forming chemicals.
• Avoid letting your grill flare-up. Extreme heat and flame will also increase risk.
• Do not overcook foods. If you do accidentally char your food simply scrape or cut that portion off.

The marinade recipe below is simple, versatile, and tasty and will significantly reduce harmful cancer forming agents. The marinade will work perfectly with poultry, pork, vegetables and seafood and should be combined with your food of choice at least 1 hour prior to grilling.

Simple Marinade
¼ C olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey
2 teaspoons Italian herb blend
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Salt and freshly ground pepper

Grilling can be a great way to prepare low-fat meals and only takes a little imagination to create healthy foods. Try starting with foods you already enjoy and find ways to make them healthier choices. Trimming fat, substituting skinless chicken, using healthy marinades are a few things you can do to start forming healthy habits.

Grilled Fennel Salad with Nicoise Olives

2 orange peppers
3 fennel bulbs with tops
2 teaspoon white wine vinegar
1 ½ tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
18 small nicoise olives
2 sprigs of savory
Salt and freshly ground pepper

Roast the peppers using your gas grill flame or the method of your choice. Place them in a bowl and cover the bowl in plastic wrap. Remove the green fronds (top flowery pieces) and set aside for later. Slice the fennel lengthways into roughly five coarsely cut pieces. Place the fennel pieces flat in a dish and coast with 1 ½ tablespoon olive oil. Season the fennel to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper. Remove the char from the peppers and dice the peppers into small-diced pieces.

Place your grill on medium heat and place the fennel slices and turn frequently for 7-10 minutes. Grill until the fennel is showing grill marks. Be sure to cook them until they are the desired texture but do not char too much. Transfer to side dish.

Combine the vinegar and remaining olive oil and pour evenly over fennel. Lightly combine the pepper mixture with the fennel while adding the olives. Tear the savory and fennel fronds and sprinkle over the fennel.

Grilled Fennel Salad is fantastic as a side or main course. As a side consider serving it with a simply grilled chicken or seafood. Just remember that what you put in your stomach or on your grill is your choice.

Low Fat Cooking

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

A lot of people think that losing weight is difficult, but really the only difficult part about it is the self-control. If you can make some firm rules for yourself and stick with them, the rest of it is easy. Really, weight loss comes down to two things: what you eat, and how you exercise. If you use low fat cooking, combined with daily exercise, everything will work out perfectly for you. Although good sensible low fat cooking and exercise will not necessarily lead you to shed pounds at the same rate as using the latest fad dieting will, you will lose weight, and you will keep it off. Low fat diet cooking, using a healthy mix of lean meat, vegetables, grains, and fruits, as well as good portion control, is the surest way to look and feel a great.

Of course, the trick isn’t low fat cooking. The trick is low fat cooking that tastes fantastic. You need to be able to cook a variety of different foods in a more healthy manner than you are used to doing. That means not only learning low fat cooking, but low-fat baking and low fat grilling as well. All of this takes time, effort, and to some degree, money, but it sure is worth it. If you can use low-fat cooking to create a diet menu that you know that you will like, it will make it so much easier for you to keep the weight off after you lose it. And after all, what is the point to losing weight if you can’t keep it off?no point at all as far as I am concerned!

Of course, if you want to get into the exciting world of low-fat cooking, it helps to have other people to work with. If you are the only one in your house who wants to eat low fat cooking, it will be hard, if not impossible, to succeed. If you live with your family, and they are all being delicious steaks and refried beans with added lard every night, there is just simply no way that you’re going to stick with your low-fat diet. I’ve tried it before, and it does not work. Take my word for it, teamwork is essential for any healthy lifestyle. Whether it is low fat cooking, daily exercise, or a regular sleep and work routine, cooperating with other people will always help and never hurt.

Lowering Cholesterol Through The Foods You Eat

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Healthy Food Ideas

If you have high cholesterol and you are thinking of lowering your cholesterol level, don’t worry because you can do it yourself and a lot of other people are also experiencing the same problem. This may be a tough job but it will be worth it in the end. There are several ways and steps to be healthy. If you want to be serious, you must closely follow each step.

Actually, there are two kinds of cholesterol in your body, HDL and LDL. The difference between the two is that HDL is the cholesterol that is bad for you and LDL is the healthy one. An increase in blood cholesterol is very common in most people. Lowering cholesterol takes discipline to follow some of these helpful tips:

1. Eat fish. This is an effective way to easily lower cholesterol. Salmon is a good choice because it is high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seed is also a good source of Omega-3.

2. If you love desserts, try to limit them and choose healthier ones. Eating graham crackers, fat-free frozen yogurt, and angel food cake is a nice alternative. Set aside the mouth-watering desserts you have been eyeing.

3. You should eat foods that are rich in fiber. Oatmeal, vegetables, beans, fruits, wheat bread and some cereals are examples of foods that have high fiber.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They are the natural foods that contain no cholesterol at all. You can eat a lot of them without the slightest chance of cholesterol.

5. You must avoid fast foods such as French fries and all the food that is cooked in a deep fryer. These are the foods with the fattiest ingredients. They are dipped into oil and absorb too much oil. Although they are tempting, it is worth the sacrifice. Stay away from burgers too, or reserve them for an occasional special treat.

6. If you like salad, try and find a new salad dressing, which is cholesterol friendly. Most salad dressing is full of cholesterol and Trans fats. Maybe a choice of vinegar with lemon juice or Olive oil will be a good option. Bacon bits, egg yolks and croutons should be avoided.

7. If you really can’t get away from burgers and steak, you can grill them in your backyard and use lean cuts of meat instead. This type of cooking prevents reduces the amount of fat in the meat and barbecuing is fun and enjoyable which makes eating pleasurable.

8. If you want a nice healthy sandwich without the fats, have whole wheat bread with a mix of lean turkey and lots of vegetables. Remember to skip the salami, hot dogs and of course the mayo. This type of food is highly processed with cholesterol and fats.

Now after all the worries, you realize that adjusting your diet isn’t going to be too hard at all right? Lowering cholesterol is not a tough job. It just takes patience and dedication and you will have the your levels under control in no time.

Remember, it is important to consult your physician before making any significant changes in diet or lifestyle. Always follow their advice regarding the control of cholesterol levels.

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